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Every alert comes enhanced with AI-driven context and actionable details, enabling security teams and professionals to make faster, smarter decisions.Customizable Alerts
Focus on what matters most with the ability to filter notifications by specific vendors or technologies, tailored to your needs.For Pentesters: Smarter Reports
Generate customizable, multilingual technical reports based on your chosen CVE fields, streamlined and powered by AI.Why
Real-time updates. Never miss a critical vulnerability.
Actionable details. Skip the noise; focus on what’s important.
Tailored for you. Personalize your alerts and reports.
AI-enhanced intelligence. Turn raw data into valuable insights.
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We’re thrilled to have you onboard!Your interest helps shape the future of smarter, AI-powered vulnerability management. Expect to hear from us soon with updates on the development of and exciting news about what’s to come.In the meantime, if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!Stay ahead of the curve—together, we’re building a more secure future.